These young artists are a joy!


We jumped back into the studio with color theory as our focus. In practice, kiddos think they are simply having fun with paint and collage. In the long run we are developing motor and visual processing skills.

This week we also scaled up with our daily drawing prompts. Every student added to our table top drawings throughout the week. What a story we tell together!


This week every artist worked on adding to our growing impact on the community. Younger artists each made components of our fall art installation. It will be added to our main building next week. We can’t wait to share it!

Our middle school mural class worked hard on a large mural downtown. They surprised themselves with their art and teamwork. Plus we got to experience some really interesting sing along moments at the mural site. 8 a.m. soesn’t seem


Connecting what we see, know, and remember is crucial to assessing and sharing our experiences. This can be really hard! However, doing hard things can be fun. This week we proved it in a big way. Giggles, laughs, smiles were everywhere as we continued to grow our drawing skills.


We jumped back into the studio with color theory as our focus. In practice, kiddos think they are simply having fun with paint and collage. In the long run we are developing motor and visual processing skills.

This week we also scaled up with our daily drawing prompts. Every student added to our table top drawings throughout the week. What a story we tell together!


This week every artist worked on adding to our growing impact on the community. Younger artists each made components of our fall art installation. It will be added to our main building next week. We can’t wait to share it!

Our middle school mural class worked hard on a large mural downtown. They surprised themselves with their art and teamwork. Plus we got to experience some really interesting sing along moments at the mural site. 8 a.m. soesn’t seem like a fun time but it absolutely has been!

WEEK 11 & 12

We ar continuing our understanding of what drawing is and what it does. Surprises are everywhere as these kids realizes all the places art shows up in life. As our drawing skills and ideas develop, we are also learning how to talk about art and how to share our ideas.


We jumped back into the studio with color theory as our focus. In practice, kiddos think they are simply having fun with paint and collage. In the long run we are developing motor and visual processing skills.

This week we also scaled up with our daily drawing prompts. Every student added to our table top drawings throughout the week. What a story we tell together!


This week every artist worked on adding to our growing impact on the community. Younger artists each made components of our fall art installation. It will be added to our main building next week. We can’t wait to share it!

Our middle school mural class worked hard on a large mural downtown. They surprised themselves with their art and teamwork. Plus we got to experience some really interesting sing along moments at the mural site. 8 a.m. soesn’t seem like a fun time but it absolutely has been!


This week has been full of color, collaboration, and communication as we enjoyed the spookier season. Drawing skills were developed in surprising ways and science showed up in some exciting reactions on paper & with big smiles.

Our fall school art collaboration is up and ready to enjoy in the main building hallway. Each time you visit the school, look for a new or evolved element. Every student is adding a unique mark to the image.

Making and living with art is a growing experience.


We jumped back into the studio with color theory as our focus. In practice, kiddos think they are simply having fun with paint and collage. In the long run we are developing motor and visual processing skills.

This week we also scaled up with our daily drawing prompts. Every student added to our table top drawings throughout the week. What a story we tell together!


This week every artist worked on adding to our growing impact on the community. Younger artists each made components of our fall art installation. It will be added to our main building next week. We can’t wait to share it!

Our middle school mural class worked hard on a large mural downtown. They surprised themselves with their art and teamwork. Plus we got to experience some really interesting sing along moments at the mural site. 8 a.m. soesn’t seem like a fun time but it absolutely has been!


This week every artist worked on adding to our growing impact on the community. Younger artists each made components of our fall art installation. It will be added to our main building next week. We can’t wait to share it!

Our middle school mural class worked hard on a large mural downtown. They surprised themselves with their art and teamwork. Plus, we got to experience some really interesting sing along moments at the mural site. 8 a.m. doesn’t seem like a fun time but it absolutely has been!


We jumped back into the studio with color theory as our focus. In practice, kiddos think they are simply having fun with paint and collage. In the long run we are developing motor and visual processing skills.

This week we also scaled up with our daily drawing prompts. Every student added to our table top drawings throughout the week. What a story we tell together!


We jumped back into the studio with color theory as our focus. In practice, kiddos think they are simply having fun with paint and collage. In the long run we are developing motor and visual processing skills.

This weeThis week we also scaled up with our daily drawing prompts. Every student added to our table top drawings throughout the week. What a story we tell together!


Drawing was the main game this week. We practiced brain breaks and problem solving along with some interesting team building sessions. These kids rock the art studio. Fall break happens next week, just in time to recharge us for some BIG color projects heading our way.

WEEK 5 & 6

We’ve had a couple of weeks of big changes here. What has not changed is the energy these hard working, caring kids put into every task they are charged with. They are inspiring and thoughtful, generous and kind. Each child here is growing in skill and creativity. We are lucky to engage with each and every unique personality that contributes to this school community.


Taking full advantage of the beautiful weather, we continue work large adding our art to the CDS campus. Our back entrance has a beautiful new set wings under development.

Art as a communication is a topic we discuss often. This communication is often focused on how we interact with those around us and how we make our positive make in our community.

This week art as a way to communicate with ourselves, how we appreciate, acknowledge, and improve as individuals, became a notable effort. Each artist starts their studio session with sketch prompt. These have a lot on their minds. It comes out in creative and beautiful ways with the simplest tools. In future posts, we will anonymously share some of these creative endeavors. Today we have more murals, paintings, and sculpture to offer. Thank you for sharing your artists with the CDS community and the world. We are lucky to experience them!


What a week is was! Art outside, sculpture, painting, murals, and mixing it up a bit.

These young artists are stretching their wings as the fly into their big art dreams.

We are focusing on building foundations for art projects that enhance our community and strengthen our relationships. These ideas are expanding how we communicate and connecting the dots between leaning and life.

We are going BIG!

It was a week of surprises and a few challenges. We learned so much about how to creatively work within our parameters of space, time, and materials, surprising ourselves with fun, beautiful creations, while expanding motor and critical thinking skills.

Teamwork and cooperation are a primary focus as we learn how to develop images and plans for our art to reach our audiences and serve our community.

Murals are in progress for each young artist to participate in. We are building our space and each other up together.

Let’s not forget that fun is good for learning minds. Check out photos from our second week of the school year below.

These smiling, inquisitive, focused faces are gold!