Science and the Art of Journaling

The science behind daily journaling has been proven time and again. Folks that journal, are happier, navigate both hard times better than those that do not, and they are more creative thinkers by building the habit. This article from MIC discusses the emotional health benefits of journaling and how it can improve our relationships.

Many people don’t realize that drawing and writing are the same skill, with a different focus. If you can write your name, you can draw. Writing and drawing are companions that compliment each other to great benefit as well. In the studio whether workshops, mentorship, or private instruction, we heavily envourage writing about the art we make. Even a simple list for brainstorming helps us improve our art with intense focus and definition.

It is no wonder that our sketchbooks often are filled with free writing and notes, about art and life in general.

We are encouraging your sketching/ journaling habit by providing daily art prompts and encouragement. Join our subscribers below or email us to join our sketch club.

You can journal wrong. Improvement is the only option.

Bonus benefit- It is FREE to participate!

We just kicked of April A-Z in our last blog post.

We want to see your sketchbook responses! Shoot us an email to

or tag us on Instagram via @roamingstudio


Earth Day at the Farmer’s Market


April A to Z