Current Class Schedule

Class Descriptions and registration links are listed below.

Contact us directly at with any questions.

- All supplies and materials included.


-This class is designed for the complete beginner yet will engage more experienced artists.

-We welcome those new to art making!

-Take a break in the middle of your week. Slow down and reset with an easy-to-follow class that focuses on simple to grasp concepts and accessible materials.

-Start from a pre-drawn image or sketch your own. We will focus on a single technique each week, building over time to add to every artist's skill set.

-This method will offer time to breathe while we learn at a steady pace.

-Each Wednesday we will complete a different painting with watercolors.

-No prior art classes are required to participate.

Watercolor made easy is only $96/ four week.

Watercolor Made Easy

Wednesday or Thursday Evenings 6-7

All supplies and materials included.

Each week we will create a composition that you will not believe you made. We will use techniques that a complete beginner will understand but more experienced artists will use in their daily practice.

In this class series, you can expect to learn about what supplies to use and how to sketch or copy a design, as well as other essential aspects of painting, like basic brush strokes, color mixing, water usage, and how to paint simple items that can be combined to create beautiful compositions.

Benefits of watercolor painting are:



Creativity enhancement

Joining this live class offers additional benefits:

Individual and group instruction

Fellowship and community with other creatives

Opportunities for immediate feedback and application


All supplies & materials are provided, making this an easy access art experience.

You can paint beautiful things!